Thursday, February 28, 2013

Amid the Cacophony of sound...

I was not watching annonymous I was just thiking abbout one line today alot."ammid the cacophony of sound therewas one pair of handsclapping that I struggled to hear..."

Then I thought this video summed upnicely the idea that one person among so many can make a difference. Now, I am singing the Michael W Smith song.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

How to decide significance

Watch "Good Better Best - Video Contest Winner" on YouTube

The thing that struck me the strongest and really it should have been something about families or parental duty, which was significant, but mostly, it was the picture of the shoes in the Sears Catalogue.

The shoes looked so similar to me that one must have needed to walk a while in the shoes to catagorize them. Most significant was the fact that the best cost the most. Instantly, it came to mind that cost is not always measured in dollars, but the best choices, be they parenting or what not, are more costly. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son..." The biggest cost demonstrates to me that Love is of the greatest worth.